Design Editor for Engineering Magazine

I currently hold the position of Design Editor at the Engineering Magazine, a student-led club that has maintained a prominent print presence since its inception in 1904. Previously, I contributed as a writer, and I take great pride in having my inaugural article published within its pages (seen below). However, I sought to embark on a new journey of personal and professional growth, which led me to assume the role of Design Editor. This deliberate choice allowed me to challenge myself and acquire expertise in Adobe InDesign and Photoshop. Notably, I have successfully designed and curated two comprehensive magazine spreads, an experience that has not only enhanced my design skills but also provided invaluable insights into teamwork dynamics and collaboration within a creative environment.

See below my past works

-- Try clicking on the images to see the full Magazine --

Spring 2023 Issue

For this issue I did not write an article for the first time and insted focused on revitalizing the design template for the magazine.

Fall 2022 Issue

This was the first time I had ever worked with a design program or tried to creativly desgin a magazine. A large learning curve, a lot of youtube videos, and plenty of help from friends was integral in this edition ever coming out.

Spring 2022 Issue

This was the first issue of the magazine I was involved with. It was also the first time I wrote something that was published. See if you can find my article in the PDF!